Californication is an American comedy-drama that premiered on Showtime on August 13, 2007. The show was created by Tom Kapinos. The protagonist, Hank Moody (David Duchovny), is a troubled novelist whose move to California, coupled with his writer's block, complicates his relationships with his long time girlfriend Karen (Natascha McElhone) and daughter Becca (Madeleine Martin). Californication's other main characters are Charlie Runkle (Evan Handler), Marcy Runkle (Pamela Adlon), and Mia Cross (Madeline Zima). The show has been nominated and won several awards, including winning one Emmy Award (nominated for two others) and one Golden Globe Award (nominated for three others). Californication has aired for four complete seasons. Due to strong ratings for the third season premiere, Showtime renewed the show early for a fourth season.[1] Season four began filming in April 2010 and premiered January 9, 2011. Also in January 2011, Showtime announced that it had renewed the show for a fifth season.[2] This was confirmed by Kapinos on March 27, 2011.[3] Season five is scheduled to begin filming in April 2011.[4]
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