Shameless is an American television drama series that airs on Showtime on Sundays at 10 pm/9 pm Central. It is based on the award-winning British series of the same name broadcast on Channel 4. The series is set in Chicago's South Side Back of the Yards neighborhood. The series premiered on January 9, 2011.[1] The show was renewed for a second season in February 2011.[2
The series follows the dysfunctional family of Frank Gallagher, a single father of six children. While he spends his days drunk, his kids learn to take care of themselves.
The show's producers sought to distinguish it from previous American working-class shows by highlighting how Frank's alcoholism affects his family.[3] Paul Abbott, creator of the original, said, "It's not My Name Is Earl or Roseanne. It's got a much graver level of poverty attached to it. It's not blue collar; it's no collar."[3] When John Wells, the showrunner, began pitching the show, he had to fight efforts to place the show in the South or in a trailer park—comedic clichés. He explained, "We have a comedic tradition of making fun of the people in those worlds. The reality is that these people aren't 'the other' — they're people who live four blocks down from you and two blocks over".[3]
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